Microsoft Digital Living Room

The Challenge
Microsoft was looking at developing a thought leadership program, through custom research, to build a campaign around the effects of technology and its impact on the family dynamic.
The name of the program was “The Digital Living Room.”
The Solution
Develop custom content for a live event and print promotion which would:
- Survey parents on how advancements in technology have brought them closer together.
- Discover where people spend the most family time.
- Discover what devices families use, and ask their opinions on this technology use.
Client Impact
The online study of parents with children under 18, determined factors such as device usage, family time spent, and opinions of technology use.
The findings helped Microsoft uncover certain patterns among various segments of Canadian families. These insights were used to educate Marketers across Canada.
Findings & insights were presented at the Digital Living Room Conference, hosted by Marketing Magazine in March 2012.
RBC Children’s Mental Health

The Challenge
RBC partnered with a media and research team to promote Kites for Kids program. They wanted to increase the awareness around children’s mental health.
The Solution
Our team created custom research to help RBC develop editorial sponsored content for radio, online and print promotion:
- Help identify and promote major challenges and opportunities related to children’s mental health.
- Use credible research involving mental health professionals, educators, parents and youth advocates.
Client Impact
Through a three part research program including: 2 advisory boards and a full quantitative research survey, RBC was able to uncover key insights to share with Canadian families.
The data was used to uncover perspectives and misconceptions of Children’s Mental Health and promote the awareness of this important issue.
HSBC Business Without Borders

The Challenge
HSBC Canada wanted to be seen as THE financial institution that Canadian businesses consider first in order to grow their businesses beyond Canada’s borders.
Survey: Online survey of Canadian business decision-makers.
Data: reviewed and discussed by the Advisory Board in terms of the actionable findings for Canadian business and other key stakeholders in Canada.
The research findings and insights were utilized for numerous articles in Maclean’s, PROFIT, Canadian Business.
The Solution
Our team utilized exclusive custom research, editorial content, print, events/awards, online and mobile resources to:
- Create a destination for global businesses to access crucial industry content.
- Build a program that deploys globally in the coming years.
Client Impact
The Online survey of Canadian business decision-makers produced data which were reviewed and discussed by the Advisory Board in terms of the actionable findings for Canadian business and other key stakeholders in Canada.
The research findings and insights were utilized for numerous articles in Maclean’s, PROFIT, Canadian Business magazines and websites.